Emotional Durability
Emotional durability where an individual values their emotional attachment to their belongings creating a tie to the garment where the wearer is more willing to try something new, mend, care for, or pay for a service to maintain the garment so that it can continue to be worn (Fletcher & Tham, 2015). Eventually, as emotional durability builds within a wardrobe the wearer decreases their desire to shop for new garments as mending, making, and altering becomes the new currency, meeting the emotional satisfaction of shopping for new garments in a more conscious way.

Finding Systems That Match Your Values: Every garment is made within a production system where every decision was made based off of the values and beliefs of those with decision making power. Thus, every system has its own values sets that are reflected through their decisions. Finding systems that match your values help you purchase goods that were made with values that mirror your own. Below are two examples of systems, Fair Trade and Fibershed, that have specific value sets that their systems are built from.
A Fibershed is where local fiber, local dies, and local labor are used to make clothing for local lifestyles. This structure supports local industries creating resilient economies, is environmentally conscious at all steps of production and supports sustainable cultures.
A Fair Trade production system is when every person is paid fairly for their work and time producing the good. A Fair wage means that all of those working within this production system earn a living wage.

Learning the Story of Your Garment: Learn how your garment is made, how the environment is impacted, what economies it affects, what social systems are at play, and what cultures are reinforced are all chapters in each of your garments stories. By learning these stories we understand a fuller context of our clothing and what economies, environments, social systems, and cultures our clothing ties us to. Take the time to find a brand that matches your values in their production and the story that you want your garment to tell. Invest in the systems that create the stories you want to tell the world!
How to apply this to your closet?
Learn about the brand you purchase from before you buy. Check out Fashion Revolutions WHO MADE MY CLOTHES project to learn more!

Buying Pre-Owned Clothing: Purchasing second hand or vintage clothing continues the story of the garment because the garment has a life that continues after it is purchased brand new.
Check out these resources to learn more:
Local secondhand stores near you
Borrowing from friends or family, don't be afraid to ask!

Recognize Your Clothing Stories: Our clothing accompanies us through every day of our life, through every movement and every memory. Your clothing carries your life stories, accomplishments, struggles, and passions. Recognize these stories and embrace them! Your clothing is a part of your life story, value these individual garments and take care of them just as they protect, express, and accompany you.
How to apply this to your closet?
Take care of your clothing, mend them, clean them, and keep making new memories in them.

Say Goodbye, Somethings You Just Don't Need: Garments hold memories, some memories bring back feelings that feel more like baggage than encouragement, getting rid of those garments mean that every time you look in your closet you no longer have to look at bad memories or emotions.
How to apply this to your closet?
There are countless resources that help you navigate getting rid of garments you no longer need. Find one that works for you.
Gift Your Clothing: Some garments are so loved it's hard to say goodbye, yet they are not the right size, fit, or color to wear. Sentimental, handmade, clothes worn by loved ones are all garments that can still be loved. Borrowing or giving garments that you love but don't wear to family and friends allows the garment to still be worn and have a life while keeping the garment close enough to still be in relation with it.
Check out these resources to learn more:
Click here to read this blogpost about giving and receiving loved garments!
Host a Clothing swap!