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Matter in motion

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The concept of matter in motion recognizes that clothing can be static or dynamic depending on how the wearer uses their garments (Fletcher & Tham, 2015). Jonnet Middleton also supports this concept in response to anthropologist Tim Ingold's work; she proposes that a garment can be seen as either a finished or a fixed ‘object’, or as material that is transformable and in process (Holroyd, 2017)


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Compostable Clothing:

This is clothing that is designed from conception to be made of materials that can naturally decompose and re-enter the natural lifecycle within the natural environment.


Check out these brands to learn more:



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Multi-Purpose Garments:

Garments are designed to be used for multiple different purposes or can be used as different garments. Say a coat that can change into a skirt, or a suit designed for both work and bike commuting.

Check out the following examples:


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Organic Clothing: Organic clothing is any garment that is made of natural fibers that were grown or harvested in compliance with organic agricultural standards in order to reduce a garments negative impact on the natural environment. 

Check out these resources to learn more:



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Rent your Clothes : By renting special garments, or renting your every day clothes through rental services, you are able to reduce the amount of garments consumed, and produced, by sharing the garments you wear. Garments are maintained and washed by the renting company. This changes the culture of clothing from being a good that has sole ownership by one individual, to multiple people being able to share and enjoy the same garment instead of purchasing and consuming multiples of the same. 

Check out these resources to learn more:



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Buying Pre-Owned Clothing:  Purchasing second-hand clothing or vintage clothing allow for garments to continue being used and allows the wearer to purchase a garment without using new materials or resources for production. Purchasing second-hand gives garments a new life and a new home to be loved and worn. 

Check out these resources to learn more:



Local secondhand stores near you

Borrowing from friends or family, don't be afraid to ask!


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Mending, Altering, Re-purposing:  Maintaining your clothing isn't just about washing and ironing them but taking care of your clothing so that they last longer, feel more like you, and fit you perfectly so that you want to wear them day after day. Mending weakened fabric, ripped holes, or altering your clothes to fit you better are ways to keep your clothing in your closet and in use. 

Check out these resources to learn more:


Learn more about the benefits of mending: CLICK HERE


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Donate Clothing:  Donating your clothing to a second-hand store or a free-store continues the life of your clothing because others can wear and love them. Most second hand-stores will also send any non-reusable clothes to recycling centers so that their resources can continue to be used in other products. Donating to free-stores allows for your garment to be accessible to anyone that uses that resource.

Check out these resources to learn more:

Local second hand or free stores near you.


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Recycle Old Garments:  Any old clothes that have reached the end of their wearing life can be donated to recycling centers. While there isn't a guarantee that every single garment is recyclable, as the recycling industry is continuously being updated with new technologies, recycling centers are able to send your garments to the best facilities for that material type.

Check out these resources to learn more:


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Gift Your Clothing:  Some garments are so loved it's hard to say goodbye to, yet they are not the right size, fit, or color to wear. Sentimental, handmade, and clothes worn by loved ones are all garments that can still be loved. Borrowing or giving garments that you love but don't wear to family and friends allows the garment to still be worn and have a life while keeping the garment close enough to be loved. 

Check out these resources to learn more:

Click here to read this blog post about giving and receiving loved garments! 

Host a Clothing swap!

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Sell Your Clothing:  Sell your clothes! You can do this on your own or through a local second-hand store that sells your garments for you. This is perfect for when you have garments that you have invested in and you would like to get a return on your investment.

Check out these resources to learn more:


Local secondhand stores near you

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